Faculty of Public Health Developing PHISS 2.0

FKM NEWS – Faculty of Public Health as part of Universitas Airlangga supports towards the goal of the university to becoming 500 World Class University. The support was done by changing bureaucracy into the easier one. The rapid development of technology was used to ease the procedures of the bureucracy, one of those was the system of classroom borrowing used for academic activities.
The application for classroom borrowing system is already manifested by Study Program of S1 Public Health by implementing Public Health Integrated Schedule System (PHISS). The formulation of the application itself was started in the late 2017. The application was already implemented for class borrowing system limitedly during the even semester of 2017/2018 academic year. The implementation of the trial was carried out only by the students and the lecturers of Study Program of S1 Public Health.
Through the trial, the positive responses were received from various department, such as from Sub Division of Facilities and Infrastructures, Students, Lecturers, and the Heads of Faculty of Public Health. The team of the application development was triggered by the positive responses and decided to continue developing the application that it can function to facilitate all study programs in the faculty. Later, the developed application is named Public Health Integrated Schedule System 2.0, or PHISS 2.0. The changes made in this version are:

  1. Adding master of Study Programs
  2. Adding the functions to export and to import data on each master data
  3. Adding the role in form of Study Program usage other than S1 Public Health on the function of ‘random schedule’
  4. Repairing the time function in Booking Form
  5. Adding information related to the capacity and the facilities in each of the classrooms in Booking menu
  6. Making the result output in form of graphic of booking data that can be read at times

The development of Public Health Integrated Schedule System 2.0 application is expected to support the learning process in Faculty of Public Health. The good learning process is undoubtedly influencing the achievement of the existing academic community. Thus, it can endorse Universitas Airlangga to achieve 500 World Class University.
To access this web-based application, the students and the lecturers can access the web page of https://phiss.fkm.unair.ac.id/home/dashboard through both PC and mobile phne. The System Information Unit of UNAIR has already provided several PC that can ease the accessibility of the class borrowing system. (IAR)
Translator: Adinda Rizki Ramadhani