FKM NEWS-As one effort to prepare tendering international accreditation, many things have been performed by the Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Airlangga. The international accreditation is a form of commitment that the faculty has in supporting the vision of Universitas Airlangga towards 500 word-class University.
The international accreditation’s reference of the faculty is by applying the standard of APHEA (Agency for Public Health Education Accreditation), which is one of the standard accreditation in Europe for magister level that later is going to be adopted to become the standard accreditation for bachelor level in FKM Unair. FKM Unair is expected to be the only APHEA-internationally accredited Faculty of Public Health in Southeast Asia were the tender accepted.
As one of the sequences towards the achievement, currently, FKM Unair is under the coordination of international accreditation preparation team, led by Dr. Diah Indiarti, S.Si, M.Si. Other than that, the faculty has invited a curriculum consultant from SES (The Senior Experten Service), Prof. Jorg Ingolf Stein from Austria, to assist the curriculum team in preparing the required curriculum based on the standard as requested by APHEA.
“One advantage that can be achieved by this international accreditation is that FKM Unair can do not only management standardization of study program in international level, but also curriculum standardization that can be an open door for the faculty to accept international students,” explained Dr. Diah.
Furthermore, the Head of Study Program of S1 Public Health Sciences, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Airlangga, Corie Indria Prasasti, S.KM., M.Kes, who has also been fully involved in the process of assisting the international-standard curriculum preparation for the past month, explained that, “It is aspired that in the end of this doings, FKM Unair, especially Study Program of S1 Public Health Sciences will have acquired the international-standard curriculum as required by APHEA.”
Prof. Jorg Ingolf Stein as the consultant evaluated that, “In my opinion, FKM Unair has owned a good enough base line of the curriculum to be increased into international level, or in this case, with APHEA standardization. It will be great if FKM Unair later becomes the pioneer for other Faculties of Public Health, whether nationally or regionally in Asia as the faculty that has S1 study program internationally accredited,” said Prof. Jorg when joining the city tour, accompanied by the team of KIH FKM, between his very tight schedule in assisting the process of preparing international curriculum for S1 study program in FKM Unair.
“Surabaya is a beautiful, modern city, and I am really impressed by the atmosphere when the World Cup occurred the other day. It just needs to improve the representative public transportation service as what other developed cities performed in the world,” said Prof. Jorg.