e-Journal: Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi (JBE)


Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi or Periodic Epidemiology Journal (JBE) is open access and peer-reviewed journal.  It aims to publish original research or literature review that related to the field of Epidemiology. It also publishes commentary articles written by epidemiologists who discuss the latest issues that occur in the world.
Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi or Periodic Epidemiology Journal (JBE) was first published in May 2013 on old website at http://journal.unair.ac.id/JBE@jurnal-berkala-epidemiologi-media-140.html. In 2014, JBE used the open journal system (OJS) and the portal moved to https://e-journal.unair.ac.id/JBE/. The scope of JBE is Epidemiology of Communicable Disease, Epidemiology of Non-communicable Disease, Tropical Disease, Epidemiology Surveillance, Management Outbreak, Epidemiology of Vaccine Preventable Disease, and Epidemiology of Cancer. JBE is published three times (January, May, September) containing original article, literature review, or article commentary.
Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi or Periodic Epidemiology Journal (JBE) has been accredited as a 2nd Grade Scientific Journal (Sinta 2, Peringkat 2) by the Ministry of Science, Research, Technology and Higher Education of Indonesia (RISTEKDIKTI RI) since January 2019. Accreditation Number: 3/E/KPT/2019 valid until January 13th, 2024. (View certificate here)
All articles in JBE, start at 7th Volume, 2nd Issue, May 2019 have been published in English. Submissions are open year-round. Before submitting, please ensure that the manuscript is in accordance with JBE’s focus and scope, written in English, and follows our author guidelines and manuscript template.