FKM NEWS – The World-free Tobacco Day (HTTS) has been established every May 31. One of the ways to implement the movement is by the employment of the Non-smoking Area (KTR) in public institutions, such as in institutions as campus.
Hence, on Friday (25/5/2018), the students of Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciencences (PKIP) Department of Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Airlangga, arranged ‘KTR yang Tak Dirindukan’ event.
Before the event was executed, they had conducted a survey in four State Universities in Surabaya. In result, 51% of the respondents stated that they had never been socialized regarding KTR in their campus. Moreover, 60% of the respondents admitted seeing people smoking in campus area.
“Apparently, there are still a lot of people that have not noticed the KTR policy. Some might now, yet they still smoke in campus area,” said Mahesa Arya Muharram as the head of the committee.
The event of ‘KTR yang Tak Dirindukan’ was held in the parking lot of Lake Area, Campus C, Universitas Airlangga, started from 02.30 p.m. There were about 70 people attending the event, including student representatives of several campus, namely UNAIR, ITS, UPN, and UNESA, as well as some lecturers of the Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Airlangga.
“This is because the danger of smoking will not only be carried by the smoker, but also by the people who inhale the air containing the smoke – passive smokers,” explained Mahesa regarding the consequence of smoking.
In that event, there were also intriguing talkshows from East Java’s TCSC (Tobacco Control Support Center) and KOBAR (Komunitas Berantas Asap Rokok). The talkshows covered the information and question and answer sessions for the participants being aware of KTR.
Other than that, songs and short films containing messages of the prohibition of smoking in non-smoking area were also presented. “The songs and the films were originally produced by our team. When launching, the song was sung by the students from PKIP Department and escorted by the band from the faculty,” said Mahesa.
After that, the symbolic agenda of cracking giant cigarette was executed. Then, followed by the petition signing by each of the institution representation as an approval for the establishment of KTR policy.
“I hope that university students become more aware of the KTR policy and be more understanding of the non-smokers’ rights,” he hoped.
The event was also enchanted by bowling game with cigarette-shaped bowling pins. Hereafter, the event was closed by breaking the fast together.