Students of the Faculty of Public Health Are Contributing to the 58th KKN-BBM Tematik UNAIR

FKM NEWS – This semester break, UNAIR holds the 58th Community Service Program or Kuliah Kerja Nyata Belajar Bersama Masyarakat (KKN-BBM) on 3 – 28 July 2018. This year’s KKN is held in five separated city/region, namely Surabaya City, Gresik Regency, Lamongan Regency, Jember Regency, and Banyuwangi Regency.
2940 students are reportedly joining the 58th KKN-BBM of UNAIR. The region division had previously been determined by the university. The students regulating KKN in Surabaya are said to be the highest number among other regions, which is 1050 students. In addition, in Gresik Regency, there are 1020 students followed by 350 students in Lamongan Regency. Other than that, there are 240 students in Jember Regency and 280 students in Banyuwangi Regency.
As reported, for the students from the Faculty of Public Health alone, there are 120 students joining KKN-BBM this July. Expectantly, the students from the faculty can implement the knowledge they got in the college, particularly to help the society regarding health issues in every region. One of the health issues with the highest occurrence level is maternal and neonatal death along with dengue fever. Due to that reason, the promotive and preventive actions from the students of the faculty are indispensable.
On Tuesday (03/06/2018), all students from UNAIR gathered in campus C for the clearance based on each region. The students went to the location by bus provided by the university, except for those located in Surabaya, due to they were directed to the district office for reception ceremony.
For the students located outside Surabaya, they had to join the reception ceremony in each regency, such as Gresik, Lamongan, Jember, and Banyuwangi. After that, the reception ceremony was continued in district office before they proceeded to each village referring to group divisions.
Acceptance Procession of the Students in Menganti Sub-District, Gresik
“You have to be able to place yourself in the best way that you can. You can leave good things, not only physically, but also the memories of empowering the potential of the society to become better than before,” said Mr. Sambari, the Head of Gresik regency, to the students.